Episode 5: Quitting the Race…Oh! And What the Tortoise and the Hare Didn’t Teach You

Episode 5: Quitting the Race...Oh! And What the Tortoise and the Hare Didn't Teach You
As I Wander with Lauren Lanoue

If you've ever found yourself exhausted from having to keep up or stay ahead in a race you never signed up to be in, this race we call life, this episode is for you. Today I'm talking about something I recently learned from that old tale of the tortoise and the hare and why I'm quitting the race in exchange for a slower pace which can lead to loving and authentic community.

Transcripts found here:


If you'd like to read my writing, connect, or otherwise support this growing community that we're cultivating, here are a few ways to do just that:

Thanks again for listening! Until next time, rest easy and travel well. Here’s to finding home wherever we make it
Here's to finding home wherever we make it.


Ambition, Evolution, and the Word of the Year…Oh! And Why I Flinch When My Toddler is Holding a Doll


Episode 4: Making Home vs. Making Do