Episode 10: Why I am Letting Go of Hope…Oh! And My New Word of the Moment

Episode 10: Why I am Letting Go of Hope: Oh! And My New Word of the Moment
As I Wander with Lauren Lanoue

Welcome. Every piece of you. 

Hope. Hope is a weird thing to try to explain and yet we're told we should cling to it even though we can barely define it. I’m learning that while living life open handed is about letting go, it is also about staying open to hope and possibility…not necessarily clinging to any sliver of hope that we find.

In today's episode called "Why I'm Letting Go of Hope," we will talk about what hope means and why instead of clinging to it, I'm learning to let go and let hope hold me. 

Oh! And I'll tell you my new word for the moment--spoiler alert. It's hope. it sounds cliché but I'm ok with it. Now, anyway. More on that in the episode.

Here are some things I mention in the episode:
This podcast episode about why I choose a word for the moment instead of a word for the whole year.
And here is Emily Dickinson's poem that I mention in the episode.
And also, this was somewhat inspired by this video from John Green.

Transcripts found here.

If you'd like to read my writing, connect, or otherwise support this growing community that we're cultivating, here are a few ways to do just that:

Thanks again for listening! Until next time, rest easy and travel well. Here’s to finding home wherever we make it!


Episode 11: Four Things Writing a Book Proposal Taught Me


Episode 9: For When You Can’t Go Back Home: A Eulogy for Letting Go