Episode 1: Let’s Start Here

Episode 1: Let's Start Here
As I Wander with Lauren Lanoue

Welcome to As I Wander with Lauren Lanoue! This is the very first episode, and I'm so happy that you are here!

In this one, you'll hear a sampling of topics and themes that we will explore on this podcast as well as a bit about your host, Lauren Lanoue (That's me. Hi!). We'll talk about what home means as far as this podcast is concerned, and why it's so hard these days to know where we belong...and hopefully, you'll leave with some encouragement that you're not alone even as you wander.

I'd love to know: What does home mean to you? Comment below!

Transcripts found here: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2045137/episodes/11542180

If you'd like to read my writing, connect, or otherwise support this growing community that we're cultivating, here are a few ways to do just that:

Thanks again for listening! Until next time, rest easy and travel well. Here’s to finding home wherever we make it.


Episode 4: Making Home vs. Making Do


Episode 3: When Our Built-In Communities Break Down...Oh! and Why Us Introverts Need Extrovert Friends